Councils are legally obliged to carry out an assessment for anyone who appears to be in need of support under the Care Act, whether a person in need of care or a family carer. If you look on your council’s website for social care, it should explain how you should set about referring yourself. You may find this is buried, so have a good dig about. Here is the link to the Barnet Council self-referral page.
You can either write or phone, but it would be best to write. You should first carry out your 'Wellbeing Self Assessment' as instructed in the Real Care Toolkit. Then you should send it to your council along with the following suggested form of words.
‘I believe I have needs for care and support which, as my local council, you have a responsibility for under the Care Act 2014. Please find attached my Wellbeing Self Assessment. It sets out my view of my needs to promote my wellbeing.
Could you please arrange for a social worker to carry an assessment of my need on the council’s behalf. However, as the Care Act requires, councils should start with assuming that the person is best placed to judge their own needs for their wellbeing. I will therefore expect the social worker will start with my Wellbeing Self Assessment and develop it if they believe it can be improved’.
Your Council should respond with your next steps, which should include contact with a social worker to carry out the council's 'eligibility' assessment.
Once you have a social worker, you might find Real Care Toolkit helpful in making sure that you feel empowered to insist on your rights.