The Fabian Society’s launch of its strategy for a National Care Service drew criticism from some disabled peoples groups for its failure to write the United Nations vision of Independent Living into domestic legislation. But what nobody seems to realise is that already is;
The Care Act’s nine areas of wellbeing include having control over day to day life and the care and support provided; being able to contribute to society; living in the place that is right; having dignity. Between them, the areas of wellbeing are synonymous with the UN vision,
The Act requires councils to identify the needs and resource requirements of each individual to secure their wellbeing, ie Independent Living
The Act requires councils to be honest and transparent if they do not have all the resources required to meet all needs.
The Act requires councils to plan their service levels in the knowledge of what is required to meet all the needs in the community they serve, for people to experience wellbeing. This mirrors the UN requirement that member states ‘progressively realise’ the resources required for all to experience Independent Living. The honesty at the individual level will mean councils have this information.
The problem is that none of this is being realised. Parts One and Two of the Campaign for Real Care report Unveiling the Truth shows why and how. They also show that the problem is with Government policy through its Statutory Guidance to the Act. This is making sure that the traditional way of matching needs and resources - whereby a need is a need only if there is resource to meet it - is being perpetuated.
Our Charter for the Right to Wellbeing would change that, and bring the Act to life. This would be a truly radical solution and have immediate impact.