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The 2014 Care Act's 9 areas of Wellbeing provide the framework for delivering the United Nation's definition of Independent Living, set out in a treaty, to which the UK government is a signatory.


However, government and councils are deliberately ignoring the Act. They are continuing practices that pre-date the Act because they are convenient and useful for them. It is not money that is stopping them from changing. They are choosing not to.

The Campaign for Real Care has three parts – exposing the problem, the short term solution and long term solution.


Exposing the problem

What is wrong and what can be done about it?

An explanation of how social care really works in England and what steps need to be taken to expose the problem.

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Short term solution

Self Assessment Toolkit

A five step Toolkit that makes the Care Act accessible to citizens. This enables you to take control of your assessments in your dealings with your council.

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Long term solution

Charter for the Right to Wellbeing

Social care will adopt the NHS founding principle that need precedes resource. This will comply with the 2014 Care Act.

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